Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy Fourth of July (July 4, 2012)

What are you doing to celebrate the Fourth of July?  How are you celebrating our Nation’s Independence Day?  It’s strange but when you live in a foreign country holidays can seem just like any other day.  Many of our National and Religious holidays are not celebrated in other countries.  For Jake and I who both grew up spending time with family and friends during the holidays, this is when we miss HOME the most.  I know for me,  I joined others going to concerts either at Antietam Battlefield or Chambersburg Park, camping or going to family BBQ’s and enjoying the fireworks displays and patriotic music.

Recently we have been around friends who are PCS’ing to their new duty stations and so many discussions have centered on how here in Okinawa we all do with so much less than in the states and get along just as well.  When coming to Okinawa, families are restricted on the amount of stuff they are allowed to bring due to the cost of shipping things here.  We don’t know anyone who drives a drive fancy car and many families use borrowed furniture while here on island.  I arrived here with two suitcases and a few boxes I mailed in advance.  Yes there are days I miss my car, my I-phone, TV and some of my cool kitchen gadgets, but we have learned to live with less.  It is not things we miss, but the people in our lives.

Our time in Okinawa has made us realize even further, the importance of the relationships of those we love and care about.  We don’t have the luxury to jump in the car and come to your house for dinner tonight or see you for special occasions.  We have made some wonderful new friends here, but they do not replace all of you!  This holiday, we want you all to know we think of you and picture the day when we will live back on US soil where we can freely visit and call you our dear friends and family. 

Until next time,
Natasha and Jake

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