Monday, July 23, 2012

Our First Visitor (July 23, 2012)

Last Friday, my brother Rosco arrived to the island for the weekend.  After picking him up at the airport, we headed to the dinner theater to watch traditional Japanese dances performed, while enjoying a 12 course dinner.  I couldn’t stomach many of the courses, so Rosco and Jake lucked out by getting even more to eat.  Afterwards we headed to Kokusai Street, a busy area that is full of shops and restaurants to walk around for a while.  The next morning, we headed to Okinawa World to see the Eisa Dance Show, Snake Show and explore Japan’s largest underground cave, Gyokusendo.  After an ice cream break, we headed to Shurijo Castle to tour and walk around the grounds.  Later that evening we headed to dinner at Yakiniku Viking – a Korean bbq where each table has a built in grill to cook your own food.  We then proceeded to American Village to walk around and show Rosco the seawall and beach area.  There was a festival going on, so traffic delayed us, but we did get to see a fireworks show on our way there.  Sunday morning, we headed to breakfast near the beach and then back to the airport.  The weekend went by so quickly, but Jake and I were thrilled to finally have a visitor and a piece of “home”.  Rosco said he enjoyed his visit, but could never live here because it is too HOT! 

This week was Jake’s birthday and I wanted to surprise him with a little party. I spent several mornings running errands with friends to get the last few things I needed for the party and had everything hidden in the one closet so Jake wouldn’t find out.  The day of the party, I had everything ready when Jake arrived home, but I didn’t want him to know quite yet, even though the kitchen (which is visible in our open floor plan) was full of food.  I kept walking with him, asking him to get a shower to get ready for dinner and following him everywhere he went.  He never noticed all of the birthday stuff!!  About 15 minutes before guests started to arrive he finally saw everything and was excited for the party.  It was fun visiting with friends and relaxing for the evening.  One of the highlights of the evening was when the trick candles took about a minute to relight and surprised everyone when they sparked back to life.  A big thank you to all those who helped me pull off the surprise and for all of you back home who sent cards and care packages to make his birthday extra special.

Until next time,
Natasha and Jake

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Okinawa Life (July 13, 2012)

Jake and I are happy to announce that we are expecting baby Fackler in February 2013.  I am currently in week 10 and have been experiencing some pretty tough “all-day” sickness.  Everyone assures me that this stage will end soon and I’m keeping my fingers crossed! I had my first doctor appointment yesterday and they said everything is going well.  Please keep my health and that of our baby in your prayers.  Jake is doing a great job taking care of me and sometimes fending for his own meals when the smell or thought of food turns my stomach.  Due to the heat/humidity of Okinawa, I have not been able to get out much and spend most of my days relaxing with a book or napping on the couch.

Recently we spent one hot weekend volunteering for the USO for the Flight Line Festival at Futenma Airstrip.  For two days we served free brats and burgers to those visiting our tent, with Jake as the Grill Master the one day.  The Japanese were always amazed that the food was free.  They couldn’t understand why we were giving it away.  We had a donation box on the table and they were most generous with the money they gave.  The Military Police on duty at the event frequented our tent for shade and ice cold water.  It was a long two days, but both of us said at the end what a joy it was to serve others during the event.
This past weekend we went ocean kayaking for a few hours.  We were able to explore some of the land masses that appear during low tide and saw some really cool tiny bright blue fish and star fish.  Kadena Air Force Base was close by and most of the afternoon, there were different types of planes flying overhead on test runs.   Some evenings we go to the pool on Futenma to swim laps and relax in the cool water on the hot days.  For the most part, we have slowed down on some of our adventures, but this weekend we have our very first guest arriving on island!  My brother Rosco is in Tokyo for business and is flying down later today to spend the weekend with us.  We plan to show him the best of Okinawa in his short visit and I hope to be able to keep up with the schedule we have planned.

Until next week,
Natasha and Jake

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy Fourth of July (July 4, 2012)

What are you doing to celebrate the Fourth of July?  How are you celebrating our Nation’s Independence Day?  It’s strange but when you live in a foreign country holidays can seem just like any other day.  Many of our National and Religious holidays are not celebrated in other countries.  For Jake and I who both grew up spending time with family and friends during the holidays, this is when we miss HOME the most.  I know for me,  I joined others going to concerts either at Antietam Battlefield or Chambersburg Park, camping or going to family BBQ’s and enjoying the fireworks displays and patriotic music.

Recently we have been around friends who are PCS’ing to their new duty stations and so many discussions have centered on how here in Okinawa we all do with so much less than in the states and get along just as well.  When coming to Okinawa, families are restricted on the amount of stuff they are allowed to bring due to the cost of shipping things here.  We don’t know anyone who drives a drive fancy car and many families use borrowed furniture while here on island.  I arrived here with two suitcases and a few boxes I mailed in advance.  Yes there are days I miss my car, my I-phone, TV and some of my cool kitchen gadgets, but we have learned to live with less.  It is not things we miss, but the people in our lives.

Our time in Okinawa has made us realize even further, the importance of the relationships of those we love and care about.  We don’t have the luxury to jump in the car and come to your house for dinner tonight or see you for special occasions.  We have made some wonderful new friends here, but they do not replace all of you!  This holiday, we want you all to know we think of you and picture the day when we will live back on US soil where we can freely visit and call you our dear friends and family. 

Until next time,
Natasha and Jake